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The Good News
by Films For Change
(5 min) (2020)
Creating The More Beautiful World
Precious interviews made by Silke Oppermann during the 2018 Global Ecovillage Network Conference (GEN) at the Lilleoru nanonation in Estonia. Silke's website is http://studentoftheworld.de.
15 min (2018)
Circle Way Film Team Chats with Clinton on the Occasion of the Film's Online Premiere
Clinton Callahan with Heiko Schleinitz and Martin Drziska
Circle Way Film website is HERE.
The Art Of Facilitating Change Processes
An article written by
Daniel Christian Wahl,
author of the book Designing Regenerative Cultures.
In his information-rich article Daniel includes references to the Possibility Management approach.
Cooler S-E-X Congress
My Cooler S-E-X video interview is in English with German subtitles. Most of the Kongress is in spoken German. (To be transparent, I do NOT receive any money for selling packets... I just want you to be able to use the amazing distinctions given in this strong interview...)
Gesellschaftswandel Kongress
The Congress includes 2 interviews with Anne-Chloé and I, translated live into Deutsch by Michael Pörtner. Birte Vehrs knows how to ask exactly the right questions and also how to listen as a space. Website for Gesellschaftswandel Kongress is HERE.
(Transparency: I receive no money from selling Congress Packets. Funds go to the producers for their next project.)
Videos With Clinton
Shift From Patriarchy To Arhiarchy
Dor Sharabi interviews Clinton Callahan in Costa Rica during the Expand The Box training at Tierramor. Possibility Management is thoughtware for next culture, Archiarchy, the culture rapidly emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
Nanonations, Radical Responsibility, taking back your Authority, escaping the Patriarchy, Gaian Gameworlds... Anne-Chloé Destremau and I have a lively investigation at the GEN Ecovillage 2021 Summit!
What are rituals? What is the purpose of ceremony? How does initiation happen and in which way do initiatory processes work?
From the Conflict Transformation Summit.
Complete Summit Packet is available to watch for FREE at the Conflict Transformation Summit website! Thank you Nuno!
Martina Niklis (YouTube Channel: 'Diving To The Point') found a Doorway during the 'Get Your Energy Back' workshop in 2018 in Ravensburg, Germany with Anne-Chloé Destremau and me. Not only did Martina find the Doorway, she went through it. This is a conversation about what actually happened for her, and what is possible for human beings regarding Doorways. Fascinating details!Permaculture Meets Possibility Management with Dan Palmer
1 hour 3 min (2020)
A while ago, Clinton spontaneously sent a copy of his book Radiant Joy Brilliant Love to the office of permaculture co-originator David Holmgren in Australia out of the blue. Dan Palmer found the book on David's coffee table, devoured it ravenously, immediately enrolled in Expand The Box training in New Zealand, was completely confirmed in his suspicions of the collaboration, and grabbed Clinton for this interview.
The Circle Way
1 hour 15 min (2019)
...the coaching movie
1 hour 35 min (2018)
From Dean Spillane Walker's Poetry of Predicament Channel on YouTube, associated with Living Resilience and Safe Circles Network.
From Dean Spillane Walker's Poetry of Predicament Channel on YouTube, associated with Living Resilience and Safe Circles Network.
From Dean Spillane Walker's Poetry of Predicament Channel on YouTube, associated with Living Resilience and Safe Circles Network.
Inner Maps for Unleashing New Dimensions of Ecstatic Potential
From the Embodiment Conference.
Full Conference Packet available free online HERE.
Part 1: Social Change:
Out of the Hamster Wheel!
Raus aus der Hamsterrad
with Birte Vehrs
1 hour 1 min (2018)
Clinton Callahan, Anne-Chloé Destremau, and Michael Pörtner (translating) were invited to participated in the online Social Change conference Gesellschaftswandel organised by Birte Vehrs. The interview is in English with live German translation. They discussed the steps out of the hamster wheel and towards a sustainable culture. The complete conference packet of 30 edgeworker speakers is available at https://www.gesellschaftswandel.net/
Part 2: Social Change:
Out of the Hamster Wheel!
Raus aus der Hamsterrad
with Birte Vehrs
55 min (2018)
Clinton Callahan, Anne-Chloé Destremau, and Michael Pörtner (translating) were invited to participated in the online Social Change conference Gesellschaftswandel organised by Birte Vehrs. The interview is in English with live German translation. They discussed the steps out of the hamster wheel and towards a sustainable culture. The complete conference packet of 30 edgeworker speakers is available at https://www.gesellschaftswandel.net/
Possibility Management TV YouTube Channel
Possibility Management Video Collection
Next Culture Radio
Historical Possibility Management Talks, Study Group videos, Trainer Path Calls, etc.