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Feel the energy from recent events!
For upcoming opportunities, please visit the Possibility Management Calendar!
Firewalking Initiation
13-14 July 2022
With Arthur Dorsch and Samoto
Global Ecovillage Network Conference Workshops
A half-dozen or so Possibilitators delivered fabulous workshops and processes during the GEN Conference.
Trainer Torus Togethering (final TTT)
Trainer Guild Torus Meeting
Appreciating Courageous Young People...
...a very special moment during the Possibility Village Lab
8 - 12 May 2019
With Anne-Chloé Destremau
Trainer Guild Torus Togethering
24 - 27 April 2019
Here is the StartOver.xyz Gameworld Building Team at work during a divergence of the Torus!
With Georg Pollitt and Anne-Chloe Destremau
Tree Field at Tui Ecovillage
Golden Bay, South Island, New Zealand
26 - 28 March 2019
With Anne-Chloé Destremau
Trainer Torus Togethering
Secret Giant Training - Sarah Dreyfus
Private Expand The Box Training
Tamera Biotope, Portugal, for the Global Campus
25 - 27 January 2009
With Marion Lutz
Real Play Training - all men
Germany - 2007?